
Showing posts from October, 2019

GPS devices configuration using SMS messages

Hello friends  today I will show you the right way to configure GPS devices using SMS messages. By this way you can configure every GPS device if it has ability to configure using SMS message but certainly for every device you will see variate method to set GPS devices parameters and you can see every devices configuration messages in its user manual. I will show you an example of configuring GPS device and in my example I'll show you how to configure Vehicle GPS Tracker JV200  If you ask how to configure GPS devises using SMS, please continue reading the most important setting is server settings representing by IP address of server and PORT you can set server setting by this command format  SERVER,1,SERVER,Port,0# example:,1,13,6002,0# in my example I used GPSWOX demo server which I explained in previous article and you can search in GPSWOX supported devises and you will see your device port  when you send this message the device should work properly and another con

First step of configuring teltonika GPS devices

Hello every body today I will show you  how to make first step of configuring teltonika GPS devices you should first put SIM in your device ,you can use two type of SIM  using normal SIM but it should contain GPRS connection. using M2M SIM ,in this case you should request special SIM from your telecom company and this SIM will work locally with out internet next step is knowing the function of every wire. As example I will take Teltonika FMA202 and I will explain the function of each wire dependence on wire's color Red : is VCC wire this represent + DC power supply ( VCC connect ot the anode of battery, mostly connected to main electricity source in the car). Black : is GND wire representing-DC power supply ( GND connect to the Cathode of battery or to ground of car).   yellow , white/green , white : In Teltonika FMA202 GPS Device there are there digital input which can read the status of there digital optional thing like ignition or  the status of the internal lamp of the car . Th

Important settings of tracking devices and the server

Hello every body to day I will show you how to configure teltonika devices and connect GPS devices to tracking systems we will explain how to configure Teltonika devices and how to connect Teltonika devices with GPS tracking systems the most important setting you must know before start using GPS devices is the port and IP address of server , the port is variate for each tracking systems lets see if we want to connect device to WOXGPS demo server you should know the IP address of the demo server and the port for specific GPS device's company if you go to supported gps trakers in GPSWOX global site you will see the IP address same as below and you can search for your GPS device to find port number to use it inside you device  every GPS tracking system has special port and IP address you should put port and IP address in the device setting like that then you should add imei number or id number - which written on the device - to the server and that is enough to make the device positio

GPS tracking platforms types

Hello every body I will show you some type of GPS tracking systems , there are many type of tracking systems in my opinion the best tracking system I have been used is wialon tracking system , wialon tracking system is powered by Gurtam company and there are another good GPS tracking system same to WOXGPS , Navixy and so on . The best opensource GPS tracking system is Traccar . Traccar is opensource GPS tracking platform and all features are free . you can download the system and install it in your server Windows , Linux or MAC and use it , Traccar contain many good features and I will make spacial articles to explain Traccar system showing the way to install Traccar in Windows , Linux and MAC and how to connect Traccar with GPS Devices depending on type ,there are many details I  will show it in the appropriate article same as customize the user interface and develop every thing in the system and I will show the program language you should know to develop system

Methods of configuring GPS Tracking Devices

Hello Dears In this article I will show you type of GPS tracking devices there are large number of devices and the most common devices is teltonika , galileosky , concox , and so on . I will talk about teltonika company and its devices and other devices are same in the principle of work but only the program and user interface is change to control devices you should use one of two method and some time you have to use exact method  first method is using special application created by the company which create the device and in this program you will be able to change parameters and all devices setting when you use application you connect it with device using micro USB cable to upload the setting to the devices and in another article I will show you the details of parameters and I will show you the right way to configure the device second method is using SMS messages by sending special message to the device SIM and that will control the behavior of the device and set all setting with some t

GPS Tracking getting started

GPS Tracking Hello every body I want to show you my knowledge about GPS wold and tracking system I was work for many year in GPS tracking system and I have seen many type of systems and many type of GPS devices  in next articles I will show you the principle of work of GPS devices and the principle of work of tracking systems please fellow me and I will show you that you may ask about the profits , yes there are big profits if you invested GPS tracking in good way the good invested achieved by hard work and you should read all my article about GPS tracking system and then you can start your business with out any engineer you can start by your self only