First step of configuring teltonika GPS devices

Hello every body today I will show you  how to make first step of configuring teltonika GPS devices
you should first put SIM in your device ,you can use two type of SIM 
  • using normal SIM but it should contain GPRS connection.
  • using M2M SIM ,in this case you should request special SIM from your telecom company and this SIM will work locally with out internet

next step is knowing the function of every wire.

As example I will take Teltonika FMA202 and I will explain the function of each wire dependence on wire's color
  1. Red : is VCC wire this represent + DC power supply ( VCC connect ot the anode of battery, mostly connected to main electricity source in the car).
  2. Black : is GND wire representing-DC power supply ( GND connect to the Cathode of battery or to ground of car).
  3.  yellow, white/green, white : In Teltonika FMA202 GPS Device there are there digital input which can read the status of there digital optional thing like ignition or  the status of the internal lamp of the car . The colors of these there wires are yellow, white/green, white .And representing them by DINx , x equal number of the pin 
  4. Gray  : There is one analog input in the device we are talking about colored with Gray color and representing by AIN1 and in another device if there are more than one the representing will be like past one ( DINx , x equal the number of the pin ) . the function of analog input is for reading alternative thing like fuel level which produce varied voltage dependence on variation of fuel level and you can use it with any variate source.
  5. white/orange and violet : there are tow digital output in our device representing by DOUTx ,x equal number of the pin .You can use these pins to control any thing by switching it on/off through GPS devices .The most Favorited use is for off hole car and I will devoted special article to explain it
  6. Green and Blue : these two wire is for devices work with 1 - wire protocol like iButtons ( the advantage of iButton is to see who is driving and may be I will devoted special article to explain iButtons) or any device like that .the green wire using for transfer data connecting to data pin in 1-wire devices and the blue wire connecting to 1-wire power this pin supply 3.8 v to 1-wire device

You can continue with next articles


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