GPS devices configuration using SMS messages

Hello friends  today I will show you the right way to configure GPS devices using SMS messages.
By this way you can configure every GPS device if it has ability to configure using SMS message but certainly for every device you will see variate method to set GPS devices parameters and you can see every devices configuration messages in its user manual.
I will show you an example of configuring GPS device and in my example I'll show you how to configure Vehicle GPS Tracker JV200 
If you ask how to configure GPS devises using SMS, please continue reading
the most important setting is server settings representing by IP address of server and PORT
you can set server setting by this command format 
in my example I used GPSWOX demo server which I explained in previous article and you can search in GPSWOX supported devises and you will see your device port 
when you send this message the device should work properly and another configures is important if you need to customize other configures 
After sending this message you should receive replay from device in our example the device will replay  “OK”
and you have to set APN if you SIM request apt to connect to GPRS, you can set it by the following format
APN,APN name# or APN,APN name,user name,password#
 and the replay is OK
it's also important to set SOS number to send message to his number when SOS button pushed 
command format is
SOS,A, 0018887622037, 0018887622228, 0018887628752#
and you will get replay “OK!
You can change GPRS time sending interval by SMS with this format
T1 is represent to upload interval when ignition ON
T2 is represent to upload interval when ignition OFF
value range is ( 5~18000 seconds )  ,0 means no upload and default is value is 10 for T1 and T2.
It is also useful over speed alarm ,this alarm work when the car moving over specified speed you can set this alarm same to this example
10 mean when over speed continue more than 10 second the alarm will work
120 km/h is speed limit 
at last you can reset the devise by sending this command 
and after sending this command the device will reboot after 1 min and you can't track the car on the platform
and there are another setting you can go to user manual and read it
All devices have same settings approximately except for some minor differences


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