power station

power station

See The Detail of  Grand Coulee power station which is the biggest power station in United States

When we made some power station we need to know some important thing
the variable load on the power station problem has introduction the following term and factors in power plant generating

1. Connected load : is sum of all equipment's connected to the load.

2. Demand : it is the load that is supply from the load at an interval time.

3. Maximum demand or peak load : it is the greatest demand during a given period.

4. demand factor :it is (equal maximum demand) /(connected load).

5. average load : the average of load connected on a power station in a given period(day or month or year) it is equal (no. of unite generated during a T period )/ (no. of hour in a period T ).

6. load factor (L.F) : it is equal (average load/maximum demand).

7. diversity factor (D.F) : (sum of individual max.demand)/(max.demand on a power station).

8. plant capacity factor : (actual energy produced)/(max.energy that could have been produce).

9. reserve capacity = plant capacity-max.demand .

10. plant use factor = (actual energy produced)/[(plant capacity)*(hour of use)] .


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