The largest power station in the world
The largest power station in the world These are the top 10 electric power plants in the world Whoever has knowledge of more details or has found errors in the article, please write his opinion in the comments 1. Three Gorges Dam: Capacity: 22,500 Type: Hydro Annual Generation: 101.6 (2018) Location: China 2. Itaipu Dam: Capacity: 14,000 Type: Hydro Annual Generation: 103.09 (2016) Location: Brazil, Paraguay 3. Xiluodu: Capacity: 13,860 Type: Hydro Annual Generation: 55.2 (2015) Location: China 4. Belo Monte : Capacity: 11,233 Type: Hydro Annual Generation: 39.5 (expected) Location: Brazil 5. Guri: Capacity: 10,235 Type: Hydro Annual Generation: 47 (avera